
hey there!

I’m Jennifer Sise

I truly believe that connection fuels every area of your life!

As a mom of two sons in their early 20’s and wife to my husband for almost 25 years, I have seen the fruit of intentional connection in my own life. And I know that it is the result of making decisions in advance to cultivate connection consistently over time.

Trust me, a lot of that connection with my family was built around the dinner table. And I love helping you spend less time getting to the table and more time at the table, building connection that you know will last.

Intentional connection is one of the most valuable things you can invest in and will help you move the needle in every relationship - in life and business. Deeper connections with the people you share your life with is what you really want, isn’t it?

As a Business & Connection Coach, I have seen the fruit and impact of leaning into intentional connection in my client’s business and their lives. That’s something I want for you, too.

Do you like free stuff?

OOH! Me too!


Get weekly tips to spur you on to deeper connection in your life & business.


Get 3 questions to ask your clients today to help them feel seen, heard, and understood.


Get 10 questions to ask the people at your table at your next family dinner.

I can see you now … it’s June & you are in your favorite place with your favorite people enjoying the crash of the waves & the sun gently warming your skin. You lean back in your chair, close your eyes & breathe a sigh of gratitude, because you know that the time you spent investing in your business through coaching & building intentional connection with your family and the people you serve made this moment possible. Just then your one of your kids comes over asks you to come join in their fun. You put your book down and don’t even need to put your phone away, because it’s in the condo so that you can fully enjoy the fruit of your investments.

Picture this…

Now that’s a picture you want to see isn’t it?

Ready to build connections

Business & Connection Coaching

1:1 Coaching using my proven signature method to help you experience more joy in your life and business through deeper intentional connection, creativity, strategy & clear messaging.

In 12 weeks you will

  • take needle moving action in your business

  • discover a clear direction

  • get margin to have more time with the people you love the most

  • gain traction in your day to day

  • have more joy in your life & business

Restart Collective Business Retreats & Intensives*

2:1 or Small Group Retreats designed to help you move with intentional action towards the life & business you really want.

While we are together, you will …

  • get personalized strategy + real time implementation from both Business Coach, Jennifer Sise & Productivity Coach, Amber Bibelheimer

  • take needle moving action in your business

  • build connections to propel your business forward through community and collaboration

    *Retreats hosted by Business & Connection Coach Jennifer Sise and Productivity Coach Amber Bibelheimer

Virtual VIP Connection & Creation Day

Half a day of coaching and strategy just for you & what you need most, so you can get unstuck and move forward with clarity.

Packages to choose from:

  • Go from wishing to doing and bring your idea to life

  • Create a connection plan for you and your family this season

  • Develop a customized messaging plan to simplify your content & make sure that it converts.

that count & convert

Don’t just take it from me ...

Hear what Clients are saying…

  • "Working with Jennifer is hands down the best investment that I have made for my business...

    Miranda W.

  • She helps me focus on what matters most in my business so that I have margin to build and foster connection...

    Miranda W.

  • ... and be where I need to be with my family while still growing my business."

    Miranda W.

On the blog:

I’m so glad you’re here!

I can’t wait to connect with you more.